Historical background


Prof. Raina Bardareva, Prof. Raiko Petrov

This chronicle, created with sense of duty, has the ambition to remind of the birth of the NationalSportsAcademy – 15 November 1942, and to send messages. It’s understandable: we also need in our New times a Legacy, written in the context of the gained wisdom. As far as each chronicle is a lesson, we use the past – sometimes simple, sometimes impressive – which gave our school the right to exist as the only one of its kind.

Because showiness and feelings are oppositions, with which the humanity lives, the subject-matter is searching for statements of constructiveness and welfare. The evaluation is subordinate to the millennia – man and society, man – “criterion for everything” and the society – wise and impious, with its characteristic temporary limits.
A limit is also the founded 60 years ago State higher school for physical education (SHSPE). A limit for ideas, events and selfless persons. As the first: Prof. Georgi Karaivanov, Prof. Dr. Rusi Radkov, Prof. Georgi Gizdov, Ass.prof. Borislav Iordanov, Ass.prof. Dimitar Grigorov, and the hundreds after them, united by a thought out attitude – to overcome the old reflexes and to give a new meaning of the physical education. The next pages are devoted to them and to their noetic heroism.

From the authors

Contents (Bulgarian version only!)

Държавно висше училище по телесно възпитание (1942 - 1953)Висш институт за физическа култура "Георги Димитров" (1952 - 1972)ВИФ "Г.Димитров" - система в Единния център и Академия (1972 - 2002)Управление по мандатиИзточници