The Academic council consists of 25 to 45 members, among them
1. The Rector who is a member of the Academic council by right;
2. Habilitated persons - not less than 75% of the members of the Academic council;
3. Representatives of the students and the post-graduate students - at least 10%;
4. Teachers who don’t have an academic rank - al least 10%;
5. Representatives of the personnel - 5%.
Members of the Academic council can be:
- Professors, associated professors, assistants, workers and subsidiary personnel with length of service on a main working agreement with the Academy not less than 5 years;
- Full-time students and post-graduate students.
Election and discharge of members of the Academic council
The members of the Academic council are elected from the General meeting.
The voting for members of the Academic council is made on the ground of separate candidate tickets according to the quotas.
The voting for the candidates for members of the Academic council is individual, for each ticket from the previous article.
Each member of the General meeting votes for the fixed in the quota number of candidates in each ticket.
Elected from the voting from the previous article is a candidate from the respective ticket, who received the most votes, which are more than half of the votes of the registered in the beginning of the session members of the General meeting. The elected candidates are ranked in a descending order according to the number of the received votes until the respective quota is filled up.
If the seats for members of the Academic council in the respective ticket are not filled after the first vote, a second vote is conducted on the same day only for the unfilled seats. In this vote are included the candidates, who were not elected in the first vote, according to the received votes in a descending order. The number of the included in the tickets candidates can not exceed the doubled number of the unfilled after the first vote seats of the quotas.
The mandate of a member of the Academic council can be ceased before the term set:
1. on his own written application to the chairman of the General meeting;
2. by decision of the General meeting:
a. in cases of consistent or gross repudiation of duty;
b. in cases of objective impossibility to fulfil his/her duties, because of permanent disablement;
3. by the force of this statute:
a. because of conviction for premeditated crime;
b. because of termination of the labour contract;
c. because of given leave of absence for more than 1 /one/ school year;
d. when filling other state position or service.
Ceasing of a mandate before the term set is done by the voting procedures of the Academic council. The decision is accepted with a majority of more than half of the registered members of the General meeting.
The mandate of the students and the post-graduate students is ceased with the expiration of their term of education, according to the curriculum.
The seats of the members of the Academic council from par.1 and par.3 are filled with new elected members of the respective quotas of representation. Their mandates expire with the expiration of the mandate of the Academic council.