Associate Professor Veneta Petkova, Ph.D.

Education and Career

  • Graduated from the Language High School "Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov" in Veliko Tarnovo in 2006.
  • In 2010, graduated from NSA "Vasil Levski" with professional qualifications: "Chess Coach" and "Physical Education and Sports Teacher."
  • In 2011, completed the master's program "Sport and Security" at NSA "Vasil Levski."
  • In 2012, completed the master's program "Primary School Pedagogy" at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski."
  • In 2015, defended a doctoral dissertation at NSA "Vasil Levski."
  • Since 2017, assistant, and since 2019, senior assistant at NSA "Vasil Levski."
  • Currently an associate professor at NSA "Vasil Levski."
  • Vice President of the European Federation "Sport for All."
  • Head of the "Candidate Student Center."
  • Manager of "Children's Educational Center ELIT."
  • President of the Association "Chess Club ELIT."
  • Member of the Board of Directors of the "Bulgarian Chess Federation 2022."
  • FIDE International Judge.

Teaching Activity

  • Experienced chess instructor and coach.
  • Lecturer at refereeing seminars administered by the Bulgarian Chess Federation 2022.

Sports Activity

  • Multiple medalist in national chess championships. Achieved top rankings in numerous national and international tournaments.

Scientific Interests

  • In the field of health sports.
  • In the field of computer systems and technology.
  • In the field of chess innovations.

Publications, Textbooks, Guides

  • Over the years, has participated in national and international scientific forums and projects. Author of scientific articles and publications in the field of chess innovations and sports for all.

Office hours: Tuesday from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM